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FWD Music Live Fest 3 #TimeToPlaySongkran: A platform for emerging talents to shine alongside industry icons

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FWD Music Live Fest 3 #TimeToPlaySongkran: A platform for emerging talents to shine alongside industry icons

Before we got the chance to shine on that big stage, we were on a rollercoaster of experiences from taking part in all sorts of music contests. We had our highs and lows, but we never lost heart. Then came the big surprise – sharing the limelight with top-notch artists! It was unreal and pushed us to practice even harder. Performing like that was a dream come true, and boy, were we thrilled! But hey, we’re not about to slack off. We’re determined to give it our all and make sure the crowd has a blast. When it comes to finding joy and ‘celebrate living’, we’re all about seizing the moment and chasing our passions with gusto. For us, that means belting out tunes and jamming with our buddies – nothing beats that feeling!” shared Gaga – Thanawich Jangnilwong, lead singer of the Cigarette Summer George band, a 12th-grade student from Bangkok Christian College. He shared his sentiments about the excitement of performing and vocal prowess at the FWD Music Live Fest #TimeToPlaySongkran, a free water concert in Bangkok’s heart that celebrated the city’s first Wan Lai Songkran festival at CentralWorld Square, organized by FWD Insurance, which aims to support individuals in living life on their own terms, recognizing that life is meant to be lived.

The FWD Music Live Fest #TimeToPlaySongkran, as the third installment of FWD Insurance’s consecutive concert series, aimed to enhance brand awareness and integrate the brand into people’s daily lives. The event resonated well with the younger generation passionate about music. By hosting a series of large-scale free concerts in the city for three consecutive days, alongside introducing Bangkok’s inaugural Wan Lai Songkran festival, FWD Insurance provided an opportunity for the public, especially the youth, to ‘celebrate living’ together. These concerts brimmed with vibrant energy, bringing together a diverse crowd eager to immerse themselves in the spirit of the Thai New Year festival. Moreover, at each concert, FWD Insurance provided opportunities for school bands passionate about music to showcase their talents alongside leading Thai artists. This initiative aimed to provide a platform for young talents to unleash their potential, hone their musical skills, and pursue their dreams of becoming professional artists in the future.

“Captain – Ratchapol Koomkongsuwan, the lead vocalist of ‘Again,’ a group of 11th-grade students from Prasarnmit Demonstration School, shared, “Our journey as a band began with our mutual love for music. It all started when one of our friends proposed the idea of forming a band, and gradually, we found our missing pieces. Throughout the past year, we’ve poured our hearts into practice, gaining invaluable experience from various gigs. Last year, one of our bandmates attended the FWD Music Live Fest 2 and couldn’t stop raving about the electrifying vibe, especially the performances by fellow school bands. That ignited a fire in us to strive for a spot on that very stage. Today, our hard work has paid off in ways we never imagined, thanks to the unexpected opportunity from FWD Insurance to perform on such a prestigious platform, alongside esteemed artists. It’s a moment we’ll always treasure, offering a spotlight for student bands like ours to shine. Here’s to hoping for more of such opportunities in the days to come.”

“Lucky – Dithichoke Wongbanditchareon, the lead vocalist, and Phun – Phathorn Butsarakhum, the guitarist of the Chili Fish Sauce band, both seniors at Yothinburana School, reflected on their experience at the FWD Music Live Fest 3 #TimeToPlaySongkran, expressing, ‘Our band, “Prick Nam Pla,” is relatively new, and its name sounds local, so we’ve rebranded ourselves as “Chili Fish Sauce.” Being chosen by FWD Insurance to kick off performances for nationally acclaimed artists was truly invaluable. Not only did it boost our band’s visibility, but it also introduced us to a broader audience. This event marked our first appearance on a grand stage, holding immense significance for us. We poured our hearts into rehearsals, aiming to deliver a lively performance that spreads joy. We’re deeply thankful to the kind-hearted individuals at FWD Insurance for this opportunity. Moreover, we’d like to share our perspective on ‘celebrating living,’ which emphasizes living authentically, finding happiness in our passions, and managing stress by indulging in activities we love, like playing music.”

Ms. Pavarisa Chumvigrant, Chief Marketing Officer of FWD Life Insurance Plc., summed up, “FWD Insurance is dedicated to supporting young individuals in living their lives to the fullest according to their interests and talents, recognizing that life is meant to be lived. The musical talents displayed by the participants added moments of happiness, fun, and inspiration to the FWD Music Live Fest 3 #TimeToPlaySongkran stage, marking Bangkok’s inaugural Wan Lai Songkran festival. These showcased abilities will inspire music enthusiasts to pursue their dreams and turn their passion into reality. We envision this platform as a steppingstone into the music industry for these participants, while also creating memorable experiences for them for years to come.”

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